pH Measurement & ORP Measurement in the Desalination of Seawater

Liquid analysis within the water & wastewater industry
pH Measurement & ORP Measurement in the Desalination of Seawater

Extended pH/ORP Sensor Life

Desalination is the process of removing dissolved mineral salts from seawater and brackish water for human consumption. Most major markets now employ reverse osmosis (RO) membrane separation in place of energy intensive evaporation/distillation processes as up to 99% of dissolved solids in raw seawater can be separated out by RO membranes. Most RO membranes in pH sensors today are made of polyamides and can tolerate any pH level between 2 and 10. However, pH sensors can be damaged by free chlorine injected upstream in the seawater stream as a biocide. For this reason, sodium sulfite is introduced right before the RO membranes to remove any free chlorine. Residual free chlorine (RFC) is an oxidizer and will register an oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of approximately 500-700 mV. RFC elimination can be controlled by a sodium sulfite pump until the ORP value reaches 50-350 mV. Furthermore, pH can be monitored as well. The Rosemount 389 pH/ORP Sensor features a triple reference junction and is ideal for delaying reference electrode poisoning from chloride ions in seawater, resulting in longer pH sensor life.

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Desalination & pH/ORP Measurement with Rosemount pH/ORP Sensors & Transmitters

Which pH sensor is applicable?

The reference electrode in a pH sensor provides a stable voltage potential independent of the process. The reference electrode degrades over time, requiring eventual replacement. The Rosemount 389 pH/ORP Sensor contains three reference junctions for delay of reference poisoning by chloride ions in seawater, while the Rosemount RBI pH Sensor contains five reference junctions to further slow degradation. 

More than one type of pH sensor can be selected for a particular process. While many pH sensors are discarded after use, some pH sensors can be rebuilt and reused. The Rosemount 3500P pH/ORP Sensor contains just two reference junctions, but the reference junction and reference electrolyte are rebuildable.

This video outlines the maintenance process for deciding between a replaceable or rebuildable sensor.


Click to continue reading Which pH sensor is applicable?
Desalination Sensors

Desalination Through Evaporation

Older desalination plants still use the evaporation process. Raw seawater is coarse filtered to remove solids and then combined with acid in a treatment tank. The treated seawater is heated in an evaporator, with its resulting vapor collected and recondensed as fresh water. The Rosemount 389 pH Sensor features a triple junction and can be used throughout the process to monitor pH levels to help reduce scale formation on hot surfaces.

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Desalination Through Evaporation

ORP Measurement

The Rosemount 389 ORP Sensor contains a platinum band that can accept and donate electrons to the solution. Over time, a millivolt potential forms across the platinum band, which is the ORP of the solution. Learn more about the fundamentals of ORP measurement

Oxidizers like free chlorine, ozone and oxygen produce positive ORP values, while reducers like some organic compounds produce negative values.

The sensing element of the pH sensor is the pH glass, whereas the sensing element of the ORP sensor is the platinum band. The remaining elements of both sensors are the same, including the reference electrode.

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ORP Measurement
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